Casey’s Contraptions And The IGF

casey.pngToday is the day! We finally announced my next game: Casey’s Contraptions.

This is a bit of a different project than some of my past ones. This one is a collaboration with Miguel รƒยngel Friginal from Mystery Coconut. I’m doing the programming, Miguel is doing all the art, and we’re both contributing equally to the design and everything else. It has been great having some awesome art to go with the game, but also to collaborate with someone really closely on the game.

Casey’s Contraptions was one of those ideas for a game that I kept wanting to make for quite a while, and now it was finally the right time. It meets the three main requirements that I’m looking for in a game project:

  • Something original
  • Has potential to sell well
  • It involves a creative activity (instead of something violent or destructive)

The idea of games based on mechanical contraptions is not new, but there are surprisingly few games based on it. We are hoping to bring a lot new to the table: Casey himself, unlockable items, interface built from the ground up for multi touch, modern physics simulation, social features, sharing of solutions, and even creation and sharing of new levels. We are really excited to be working on this project and we can’t wait until it’s released.



Casey’s Contraptions started as a prototype back in the summer. After a day or two messing with physics engines and creating some objects, I knew there was something there, so I spent a two more weeks creating an initial version. It wasn’t much more than a tech proof-of-concept, but it was clear that there was a game there (even with my horrible stand-in clip art assets).

I sent that built to a couple of friends for initial feedback. It was laughably early, but that’s the time when it’s possible to really make radical changes to the design. I knew the people I was sending it to a) were used to seeing games at early stages, and b) were not afraid to tell me if something sucked. Actually, I told them to skip the nice parts and just focus on everything that they didn’t like. Not surprisingly, that initial feedback was crucial, and really shaped how Casey’s Contraptions evolved since then.

Shortly after that, Miguel joined me full time on the game and we dove right into it. For our development, we used a super light-weight agile approach: We have high-level “user stories”, and two week iterations. Iterations are somewhat flexible (plus minus a few days) and we don’t strictly estimate the tasks, just take on as many user stories as we think we can do in that time. The important parts are to always be focused on the most important stories, and to take them to completion each time.

Miguel lives in Seattle and I’m in Carlsbad, so we do all of our work remotely. We use Subversion hosted remotely, and we’re in constant communication through iChat and email. That allows us to iterate on a piece of art, an item behavior, or a menu item multiple times very quickly. It’s not as good as sitting side by side, but I haven’t felt like working remotely has gotten in the way at all.

After a busy month and a half, we got to where you see it today, and we submitted the game to the Independent Games Festival (IGF).


Independent Games Festival

Some people have asked me why I wanted to submit it to the IGF. I have to be honest and admit that I had never really considered not submitting it.

I imagine everybody reading this blog knows about the IGF already. It’s the closest thing to the Movie Academy Awards that we have for independent games. There are many reasons why you’d want to submit your game. The amount of press and prestige associated with winning or even being nominated as a finalist is huge. The prize money is a nice touch, but it’s not really enough to make much of a difference in the game itself (I’m talking about the Mobile Category prize). Of course, there are many other fantastic games that are competing at the IGF (a total of almost 400 games!), so it’s hard to count on becoming a finalist.

One very real and concrete reason to enter the IGF was to have a very well-defined milestone. It wasn’t that different from one of our iterations, except that we had a real customer (the IGF judges) and a non-flexible deadline. That made us really focus our efforts and put in some extra effort in the last couple of weeks to get it in shape for the IGF. Looking back at the game just a couple of weeks ago, it’s amazing how far it came in that time.

igf.gifFor me personally, the biggest reason to enter the IGF is because it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. I’ve followed the IGF since the first one in 1999 (which was, coincidentally, the first GDC I attended). Every time I walked through the booths or watched the award ceremony, I wanted to be part of it. So finally, this was my chance to do it. It was a great experience going through the process. Now the next life goal will be to actually make it as a finalist.

Submitting Casey’s Contraptions had another, unexpected side effect: It tipped our hand and forced us to announce the game sooner than we were planning on doing. It wasn’t until a few days before the submission that we realized the list of IGF games would go public right away. Originally we were planning on announcing the game at 360iDev in mid November, but this forced us to move the schedule up somewhat. Hopefully that will be a good thing and will allow us to build some good buzz in the upcoming months all the way until the release. Keep an eye out for a gameplay video and some hands-on previews in the next few weeks.

If you want to keep up to date with Casey’s Contraptions development, join the Facebook group, follow Miguel and me on Twitter, or keep an eye on the Touch Arcade thread.

This post is part of iDevBlogADay, a group of indie iPhone development blogs featuring two posts per day. You can keep up with iDevBlogADay through the web site, RSS feed, or Twitter.

Games, Resources, And XCode

Up until a few weeks ago, I never had any problems with iPhone game resources. I just added whatever I needed to the XCode project, and it was ready to load from within the game. That simple.

But that was because of the kind of games I was making, which were very light on content, with mostly procedurally generated assets (the consequence of working by myself and being much better at programming than at Photoshop).

That game that Miguel and I are working on right now is a lot heavier on assets. It has locations, and levels, and the whole shebang. And that’s where XCode starts falling short.

Explicit Resources

copy_bundle_resources.pngBefore, I was adding all my game assets to the Resources folder in XCode. That adds the file to the “Copy Bundle Resources” step. And as you expect, when you do a build, it checks the date of the existing file, and only copies it if the source file is newer than the destination file.

Personally, I really like this approach. I like to be explicit about what gets included in a game, and I don’t mind at all having to add files manually to the project.

Unfortunately, it has one major flaw: It collapses all assets at the root of the application directory, ignoring the directory structure where they came from. I have no idea what the rational is for this “feature”, but someone needs to be taken out to the public town plaza and whipped for that. Actually, make that a double-whipping session if the reason was “convenience”.

The reason this becomes a big deal now is that we have per-level resources. To keep things sane, we decided to use a directory hierarchy, so Levels/Level00 contains all the files necessary for that level. Same thing with Level01, etc. The problem comes that both those levels have similarly named files: Background.jpg Layout.bin, etc.

Any guesses what happens if you add to XCode two files with the same filename in different paths? Yup. One of them overrides the other. Not a single warning either. Let’s make that a triple-serving of whipping, please.

I briefly considered prefixing all the files with the level name (Level00_Background.jpg), but if later I decide to move Level00 to Level05 that’s a lot of files to rename, so I would end up having to write scripts, or create a separate file with the level ordering, or just generally waste my time doing something that should have been taken care of by the tool.

Folder References

Even though I had read they had their share of problems, I decided to look a folder references (at Miguel’s prompting mostly).

When you add some resources to XCode, you have an option to check “Create Folder References for any added folders”. That option automatically adds any files in those folders without having to explicitly add them to XCode. So you could add the Levels folder, and then any files you create there will be copied with the game.


I’m not a big fan of assets copied automatically, but as a side effect, that step preserves the directory hierarchy each of those files was in. So any files copied this way can be accessed from within the game by using their full directory structure.

I have to ask again: Why are directory structures preserved here but not with explicit resources added to the project? The mind boggles.

But hey, at least it works, right? Not exactly. There are a couple of gotchas.

The big one I had read in multiple places, is that XCode doesn’t detect any changes to files inside the referenced folder. So you can be making all sorts of changes, building the game, and not seeing anything different. The recommended solution was to add an extra step to the build process that would start by touching the reference folder, forcing a full copy of all assets.

I tested that, I’m glad to report that at least in XCode 3.2.4, that’s not the case. If you modify any file inside a referenced folder, the file will get copied over correctly during the build process without the need of extra steps.

The bad news is that all the files in the referenced folder will be copied. Why oh why??? They clearly know which file changed, why do they feel the need to copy all of the other files? No idea. This is not a big deal early on, but as you start to accumulate dozens and hundreds of megabytes of assets, build times start increasing quite a bit, especially on the device itself.

This is what the copy command looks like for referenced folders:

CpResource build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Levels
cd /Users/noel/Development/Test/trunk/Test
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DevToolsCore.framework/Resources/pbxcp -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -exclude .svn -Testve-src-symlinks /Users/noel/Development/Test/trunk/Test/Levels /Users/noel/Development/Test/trunk/Test/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/

It’s nice touch that it automatically excludes .svn directories though. I was wondering why they use CpResource instead of plain, old cp, but I guess that’s to be able to -exclude specific files. Fair enough.

However, what CpResource apparently doesn’t do is to process any of the resources in ways that were processed before by XCode. For example, a png file would have been processed by premultiplying it and byte swapping it so loading it in the iPhone would be slightly more efficient. CpResource just does a regular copy and leaves it alone. So if you were relying on that behavior, you need to do it explicitly yourself in your asset baking step.

What I Really Want

For now, I’m using folder references for the levels, and explicit references for everything else. That way I keep the data size to a minimum but I get to have the directory hierarchy. Not ideal, but at least it works.

This is what I would really like thought:

  1. Easiest: Explicit assets with paths. I really want to just add resources to XCode and have it preserve the directory structure. It’s not that hard. If XCode were open source, I would have made that change a long time ago. Can we at least have this as an option?
  2. Second easiest: Folder references that only copy the changed resources. That would also be OK in my book, and I can’t believe it would be much harder to implement either.
  3. Best: A remote file system hosted on the Mac during debug build. All file references go out to the host machine and get loaded on the fly. This would allow for fastest build times and loading times would not be that different from a fragmented drive on an old device probably. I know some of you already have something like this. Has anybody made one open source (preferably minimalistic and standalone)? I’d love to check it out.

Of course, all of this has probably changed already with XCode 4, but I’m deathly afraid of installing it while working on a production game. Has anybody tried it yet? Have they fixed anything, or is it even more broken?

To wrap things up, and since Miguel is spilling the beans on Twitter, I’ll share a few assets from our current game. Now back to the game because we’re submitting it to the Independent Games Festival on Monday. Next Thursday I’ll talk about the IGF. Wish us luck!


This post is part of iDevBlogADay, a group of indie iPhone development blogs featuring two posts per day. You can keep up with iDevBlogADay through the web site, RSS feed, or Twitter.

Life In The Top 100 And The Google App Engine

A few weeks ago I wrote about using the Google App Engine as a back end for Flower Garden. One of the comments I heard from several people is that the Google App Engine pricing scheme is “scary” due to its unpredictability. What if your server gets very busy and you find yourself with a huge bill?

Google App Engine Costs

At the time I wrote that post, the bandwidth of Flower Garden (and Flower Garden Free) was just under the free bandwidth allowance, so I didn’t have to pay anything. However, this last week, after riding the Pocket Frogs rocket, Flower Garden Free shot up to the #56 overall app in the US. And boy, did that make a difference in server usage!


That screenshot shows the Google App Engine dashboard with the number of requests per second for a 4 day period. Can you guess when the Pocket Frogs cross-promotion started? It went from an average of 1.5 requests per second, to a peak of about 16. That’s a factor of 10 right there.

Let’s see what that means in terms of cost. With the Google App Engine, you get charged for different resources you consume: CPU usage, incoming bandwidth, outgoing bandwidth, data storage, and recipients emailed. Of those, the only one that Flower Garden makes any dent on is outgoing bandwidth (mostly the HTML pages and images in the Flower Shop).

For each of those resources, you get a free amount every day. In the case of outgoing bandwidth, we get 1GB before we have to start paying anything. Afterwards, it’s $0.12 per GB. The peak day for Flower Garden Free, when it was all the way at #56, it consumed 7.8 GB. Now that it’s back down, it’s using up at around 2-3 GB of outgoing data every day.

That means, that the busiest day I was charged $0.82 in bandwidth, but the profits for that day were over $1500! I can only hope for days just as busy!


As a reference, these are my Google App Engine charges for the busy week during the promotion. $3.28 for the week? Bring it on! ๐Ÿ™‚

Minimizing Bandwidth

When I first saw the first day’s bandwidth, I was pretty surprised it was taking up that much. I hadn’t tried to minimize it first, but 8 GB seemed like a significant amount.

The first thing I did was to forward any requests to the “More Games” and “News” section back to the Dreamhost account. After all, if that server goes down, it doesn’t really matter, and they can take up significant bandwidth with all the images.

To forward something, I couldn’t just do it from the configuration file. Instead, I set a handler for the moregames directory like this:

- url: /moregames/.*

And the redirect script is very simple:

import os
import sys
import logging
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app

class RedirectMoreGames(webapp.RequestHandler):
	def get(self, params):
		url = ""
		self.redirect(url, permanent=True)
application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
							[(r'/(.*)', RedirectMoreGames),

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

Another thing you can do is to turn on explicit caching of files in the app.yaml file for your Google App Engine app. I don’t know how much that helps with data requested from within an iPhone app, but it can’t hurt.

Finally, I made some changes to Flower Garden. I never had bandwidth minimization in mind, so for example, I was happily requesting updated news and other data at the beginning of every session. I wised up a bit and now it only requests that data at most once every few hours or days.

In case you’re ever getting close to using up your quotas, I learned that you can query them at runtime. I haven’t done anything about it yet, but I suppose I could start forwarding image fetches to a backup server whenever I get close to the limit. But for that, I’ll have to sell many more units of Flower Garden!

Google App Engine Shortcomings

Overall, I’m very happy with the Google App Engine. But it’s not all a bed of roses over here. I think the Google App Engine excels at scaling under heavy load, but surprisingly, it doesn’t have anything close to 100% uptime. I’m going to say it probably doesn’t even have 95% uptime! With such a massive system and all the redundancy underneath, I’m surprised they can’t have better uptime. Supposedly their status page makes you think everything is perfect, but it’s really far from it.

Apart from downtime, people are also reporting severe latency issues sometimes, and I’ve seen some errors like that in my log every so often. Chalk it up to being a beta I suppose. I imagine it’s only going to get better with time.

I would still use the Google App Engine for any new game I’ll release in the future, whether it has big or small backend needs. If nothing else, the ease of development and testing beats every alternative for me.

This post is part of iDevBlogADay, a group of indie iPhone development blogs featuring two posts per day. You can keep up with iDevBlogADay through the web site, RSS feed, or Twitter.

Communicating With Players

By now every iOS developer knows that making a great game and putting it on the App Store is only part of the work. In order to get significant sales, it needs to be noticed. You need to spend a significant amount of time in marketing and PR, making sure that blogs cover it, magazines review it, or at least jump-starting it with a group of devoted and vocal forum fans.

Most often, the advice stops there. So you get your initial sales spike and then sales go way down. What do you do then? Usually, developers release new features and updates. That’s great, but how do you get people to notice it. You need to establish some form of communication with your players.

Update Messages

The simplest form of communication is through the “What’s new” section in the update. You can use that section not just to list what features you added and what bugs you fixed, but also to let your players know about other things: plans for the future, other games to try, or even the URL for your Facebook group.

Credit goes to Igor for bringing up this idea and pointing out the URLs are even clickable in this field (but they aren’t in the app description).

Of course, if you’re like me and you update your apps only once in a while, this technique isn’t as effective. Right now my iPhone tells me I have 67 new updates available. I’m clearly not going to be reading through the release notes of each one.

In-Game News

fg_promo.jpgA more direct way of reaching out to your players is to have some sort of in-game news system. At any point you can update a file in your web server with any news, and it is displayed in the game. It can be implemented in many different ways depending on “on your face” you want to be about it: a pop up that comes up when the user runs the game, a ticker that runs constantly across the bottom of the screen, or, what I did for Flower Garden, a news icon with a badge indicating how many unread items there are, that brings up the news page when you tap it.

Make sure players are able to click on URLs in your news messages so you can direct them to different web pages easily. More on that on a bit.


Update messages are only good for players who update their apps (ahem, ahem), and in-game news for active players who’re currently launching your apps. For maximum effect, you can send an email newsletter and that way you can also reach users who played the game at some point in the past, but aren’t currently playing it now. They’re the ones probably most interested in new updates and features, and chances are you can rekindle their interest in the game.

To do this, you should encourage users to register for your mailing list, or collect their emails with their consent in some other way. This was a technique I started using back in December of last year with great success.

I’m currently using Your Mailing List Provider as a means to delivering thousands and thousands of emails [1]. By the way, don’t miss a chance to join the Flower Garden mailing list ๐Ÿ™‚


Similar to the mailing list approach, Facebook groups can be a very effective form of communication. An additional benefit is that friends of your players might see them participating in the page and might make them try out your game.

Case Study: Pocket Frogs Cross-Promotion

All that is fine in theory. How does it work in practice? I have been using all four forms of communication for a while, and I’m definitely seeing good bumps of sales and downloads with each update and each major communication.

Last week, Ian and Dave from Nimblebit and I, decided to set up a cross promotion between Pocket Frogs and Flower Garden.


I updated the in-game news and send out an email newsletter coinciding with the latest Flower Garden update telling the players that if they downloaded Pocket Frogs from within Flower Garden, they would be awarded 5 doses of fertilizer. Nimblebit awarded players a flower if they downloaded Flower Garden Free from within Pocket Frogs.

When you have over a million downloads in a week like Pocket Frog did, that kind of player communication is the equivalent of a nuclear cannon. The effects of the cross-promotion were obvious the instant the news went live:


As you can see, Flower Garden Free made it all the way to the number 56 in the iPhone Top Apps chart in the US! The effect even spread to the paid version of Flower Garden:


Pocket Frogs at the time was hovering at around #9 on the charts, so it was difficult to have much of an impact on that position without major numbers, but we suspect it might have hovered there a little longer because of the extra downloads from Flower Garden.

Here is what the downloads for Flower Garden Free looked like for the last month. The Pocket Frogs cross-promotion is quite noticeable:


All those downloads also translated into in-app sales through the Flower Shop. Here are the revenues for that time period:


One consequence I wasn’t expecting, but in retrospect I’m not that surprised about, is that the ratings for Flower Garden Free dropped by a whole star (from 4 to 3), with a large percentage of 1-star reviews. That’s because a lot of people who wouldn’t have downloaded Flower Garden otherwise did it anyway, didn’t like it, and deleted it right away.

To wrap things up on a better note, there was yet another side effect of the cross promotion. The Pocket Frogs link was using my LinkShare referral code. Sending all those users to the App Store to download a free game link resulted in about $200 in referral profit for the week.


Communicating with your players is more than just profitable: It’s crucial to the sustained success of your games. Make sure you try to engage with them in every way you can, keep them up to date with developments in your game, and don’t hesitate to run the occasional cross-promotion, especially with other games that are a good match for your target audience.

[1] If you decide to use them and wouldn’t mind using my referral code (WQHVUF), I can get a small percentage back.

This post is part of iDevBlogADay, a group of indie iPhone development blogs featuring two posts per day. You can keep up with iDevBlogADay through the web site, RSS feed, or Twitter.

My Standing Desk Experiment

I’m not sure where I first heard about standing desks. It was probably about a year ago in some online article, but it didn’t have much of an impact at the time. Since then, the benefits of standing (or rather, the dangers of sitting down for prolonged periods of time) has been appearing in the news more often. Some people even went as far as setting up treadmill desks!

Initially I dismissed it for me because I’m reasonably active: I either run or bike 5 or 6 days per week, and the rest of the days I go for a walk around the neighborhood. It was the combination of increased studies on the effects of sitting, some people in my social circle finally making the jump and raving about it, and me developing some problems in a hamstring that finally made me consider it more seriously. And trust me, if you’re a cyclist or a runner, the last thing you want to have is hamstring problems.

It turns out that my 5-mile morning runs weren’t making me immune to the dangers of sitting. It’s not how much exercise you get per day, but how long do you sit on a chair continuously. And no, buying an fancy, expensive chair might help with your back, but it’s not going to do one bit of good with all the other problems.

One of the many advantages of working from home is that I can try weird things that would be much more difficult in a regular workplace. I also have a track history of liking to experiment on myself [1], so it didn’t take much convincing to give this a try.

After some initial research, it appeared that the way to go was an adjustable-height desk. That way you can work standing, but you still have the flexibility to sit down whenever you need to. I also found out that apparently this is not all that uncommon in Europe. The only drawback is that adjustable standing desks are not easily available here in the US, and the ones that are out there are aimed at offices and big companies, with matching eye-popping price tags. Even though Flower Garden continues to do well, I wasn’t quite ready to plop down several thousand dollars on something I might end up hating.

standing_1.jpgSo I decided to start cheap and work my way up from the bottom. First I had to decide if I even liked this whole working-while-standing thing. I wasn’t even sure I would be able to type! I thought about raising my desk with cinder blocks, but I would have to raise a lot and would make it very unstable. So instead, I created four stacks of books on top of my desk and put a board on top. Then I was able to put the keyboard, computer, and monitor on the board and give that a try.

Let me tell you: It was weird.

At first I didn’t know how to type. My fingers were constantly off to the side. It turns out my initial height was too low. You really want to have the keyboard at a height that puts a 90 degree bend on your elbows. That’s what they say about the sitting position, but somehow I can manage to have less. However, standing, I really needed that height.

Even once I adjust the height, the first day was kind of rough. After an hour, I was definitely feeling it in my feet. I think I did half a day the first day and I felt totally exhausted. All that running wasn’t helping that much standing at my desk apparently.

Fortunately things got better very quickly. In a few days, I was able to work for hours without much problem. I would find myself constantly shifting my weight between my feet and moving around a little bit. I was definitely liking that whole standing thing.

standing_2.jpgAt this point I decided that the stack of books was too annoying, but I wasn’t quite ready for an expensive desk. So I picked up a Fredrik Ikea desk from Craigslist for $50. The nice thing about this desk is that it can be assembled so the top of the desk is almost at any height. You can’t change it on the fly, but at least it serves as a standing desk.

Finally I was able to work standing and be comfortable at the same time now that I had space for more than a mug along with the keyboard. The extra shelves on the desk were also very handy (one over the table top and one underneath).

After spending a couple of weeks with the desk, I decided that I definitely liked standing and it was something I wanted to continue doing long term. I felt more focused while standing, and my productivity was up. An unexpected side benefit was that when someone else comes into the room, they can walk right up to the desk and we can look at the monitor together, or look at some papers, much more easily than if it was a sitting desk.

However, it was also clear that I needed to switch things up a bit. Spending the whole day standing continued to be pretty tough on my feet, and it even made it so I didn’t want to work any longer than I had to. I really had to combine the standing with some hours of sitting down, which is probably a healthier thing to do anyway.

At this point I had two options: I could go full out and get a motorized adjustable desk, or I could get an adjustable draft chair which are tall enough to sit comfortably at a standing-height desk. Since I already had a nice office chair, and the Ikea desk was a bit wobbly set up like that, I decided to spend the money on the motorized desk.

Again, after a bunch of research, it seemed that one of the best options was to order a (very appropriately named), GeekDesk online. They have them in two sizes, Classic and Mini. It turns out I wanted something more in the middle (around 60″ wide), so I ended up ordering the Mini frame and a desk top from Ikea for $80. It wasn’t cheap, but it was way cheaper than the alternatives and all the reviews and experiences I read were very positive.

It arrived very quickly and it was a breeze to assemble. I did have a scary moment that it looked like one of the wheels didn’t fit in the metal opening, but I eventually managed to coerce it. Hopefully this kind of manufacturing problems aren’t common.


I can only describe the final setup with one word: Awesome. The desk isn’t wobbly at all, and it takes just a few seconds to change heights with the push of a button. Not just that, but I can fine tune the height at any moment in tiny increments. And in the sitting position, I can put it low enough to make typing very comfortable (most desks are set up too high to type really comfortably for me).

My daily work routine has settled into working standing in the mornings, sitting for an hour or so after lunch, standing all afternoon, and then sitting in the evening I have have to do some work. With the wonderful weather here in Southern California, I’ll often take my sitting work time outside in the back patio in the shade. So all in all, I probably spend one or two hours sitting down at the desk.

Yes, it was a significant amount of money, but it’s something I’m using every day and it improves both my productivity and my health. Definitely worth it.

Standing desks have one downside though. This situation happens embarrassingly often. Good thing I work home alone!

[1] A few years ago I gave polyphasic sleep a try. It was actually really great for gaining extra hours, but eventually I gave it up because I was constantly out of sync with the rest of the world. I’d do it again if I were spending months alone in a research station in the Antarctica.

This post is part of iDevBlogADay, a group of indie iPhone development blogs featuring two posts per day. You can keep up with iDevBlogADay through the web site, RSS feed, or Twitter.