San Diego Flea Market & Trade List 2017

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13 Minutes: The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 $7 soknackered
1955: The War of Espionage $10 chronocat
1960: The Making of the President $50 Dolus
1960: The Making of the President $30 p4warrior
5 Second Rule $10 Dolus
5-Minute Dungeon Gryffindor
7 Wonders $25 RocaRifa
7 Wonders $17 Black4lpha
A Castle for All Seasons $25 sproutgrrl
A Distant Plain $40 ColintheFlea
A Few Acres of Snow $20 Mariolls
A Few Acres of Snow $30 p4warrior
A Game of Thrones $25 jwulk
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) $40 sproutgrrl
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game $25 jwulk
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Ikehouserock
A House Divided: War Between the States 1861-65 $15 p4warrior
A Touch of Evil: The Supernatural Game $50 p4warrior
Abyss $20 Smwilkin
Acquire p4warrior
Acquire $100 fusionbob
Ad Acta $15 sproutgrrl
Age of Conan: The Strategy Board Game $20 jwulk
Age of Conan: The Strategy Board Game $30 imjodokast
Agents of SMERSH $25 p4warrior
Agricola $35 dandechino
Airlines Europe stealmonkey
Albion's Legacy $30 witchOfTheEast
Alhambra $20 Coren
Alhambra: Big Box $55 witchOfTheEast
Amazonas $10 llopis
Android: Netrunner $20 p4warrior
Antiquity $150 whattheproblemis
Apples to Apples Gryffindor
Arctic Scavengers $25 waleslie
Arkham Horror: The Card Game Matt_W
Arkham Horror: The Card Game $120 llopis
Asante mlb13
Ascension: Apprentice Edition Gryffindor
Ascension: Deckbuilding Game $20 Mariolls
Ascension: Storm of Souls $20 Mariolls
Attack! $20 jwulk
Automobile $20 llopis
Awkward Family Photos Gryffindor
Axis & Allies $25 jwulk
Axis & Allies: 1942 $30 dandechino
Axis & Allies: D-Day $20 jwulk
Babel $15 ColintheFlea
Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles $30 dandechino
Battle Line Gryffindor
Battleball sirbeefman
Belfort $50 moramis
Belfort sproutgrrl
Beowulf: The Movie Board Game $8 llopis
Betrayal at House on the Hill $25 dandechino
Betrayal at House on the Hill $25 leades
Between Two Cities $17 ColintheFlea
Biblios $12 llopis
BioShock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia $20 mynameisthis
Bios:Genesis $22 ColintheFlea
Birds on a Wire sproutgrrl
Black Fleet $25 witchOfTheEast
Blood Bound $11 Coren
Bottlecap Vikings llopis
Bottom of the 9th $7 Smwilkin
Ca$h 'n Gun$ $55 Manwithaplan
Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game imjodokast
Campaign Manager 2008 $10 sproutgrrl
Carcassonne $13 Coren
Careers $8 fusionbob
Catan Card Game $10 ColintheFlea
Catch Phrase! $5 jconway2002
Catch a Falling Star $4 Mariolls
Chrononauts $8 Coren
Chrononauts stealmonkey
Cities $10 llopis
City of Remnants $25 Nishsama
Clue Gryffindor
Codenames $14 soknackered
Comanchería: The Rise and Fall of the Comanche Empire $30 p4warrior
Combat Commander: Pacific $60 p4warrior
Commissioned $20 p4warrior
Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! – Operation Barbarossa 1941 (Second Edition) $60 Coren
Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! – Russia 1941-42 $15 p4warrior
Conflict of Heroes: Storms of Steel! – Kursk 1943 dandechino
Conquest of Planet Earth: The Space Alien Game $30 ColintheFlea
Conquest of the Empire $20 jwulk
Cosmic Encounter Gryffindor
Cosmic Encounter $120 p4warrior
Cosmic Encounter $45 Tanori
Coup $10 witchOfTheEast
Court of the Medici $15 llopis
Court of the Medici $15 sproutgrrl
Courtier sirbeefman
Cranium $7 waleslie
Cranium Booster Box 1 $8 fusionbob
Cruel Necessity: The English Civil Wars 1640-1653 $25 ColintheFlea
Cry Havoc sirbeefman
Cry Havoc mlb13
Cry Havoc Gryffindor
Cytosis: A Cell Biology Board Game sirbeefman
D-Day Dice $40 imjodokast
D-Day at Tarawa $35 p4warrior
DVONN $20 ColintheFlea
Dark Darker Darkest $22 llopis
Dark Moon $25 dandechino
Dark Seas $20 waleslie
Dark Souls: The Board Game $60 etherton
Darkness Comes Rattling $20 p4warrior
Darkrock Ventures $35 ColintheFlea
Dead Man's Draw $15 witchOfTheEast
Dead Men Tell No Tales Coren
Dead Men Tell No Tales $30 witchOfTheEast
Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game $30 Coren
Defenders of the Realm $45 eliskipp
Descent / Runebound / Runewars Figure: Nara The Fang $15 Dolus
Descent / Runebound / Runewars: Tobin Farslayer $15 Dolus
Descent: Journeys in the Dark $100 HiveGod
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) Gryffindor
Diamant $15 dandechino
Dimension $20 etherton
Diplomacy $10 jwulk
Dixit $20 Nishsama
Dogs of War $35 ColintheFlea
Dominion $15 p4warrior
Dominion stealmonkey
Dominion $135 llopis
Dominion $20 fusionbob
Draconis Invasion $20 ColintheFlea
Dream Factory $35 Nishsama
Dungeon Fighter $25 Smwilkin
Dungeon Lords $35 Mariolls
Dungeon Lords $30 leades
Dungeons & Dragons: Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game $25 p4warrior
Dwarven Forge $25 Nishsama
Earth Reborn $35 sproutgrrl
Eclipse Ikehouserock
Eclipse $50 Dolus
Eclipse $100 waleslie
Elder Sign $40 Coren
Elder Sign $40 Adrockski
Eldritch Horror $70 p4warrior
Eldritch Horror $80 Coren
Eldritch Horror Matt_W
Eldritch Horror: Forsaken Lore Tanori
Elysium Gryffindor
Empire Engine stealmonkey
Escape: The Curse of the Temple $30 mcaskey11925
Escape: The Curse of the Temple $55 witchOfTheEast
Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia sirbeefman
Eurorails $15 Dolus
Evolution mlb13
Exploding Kittens Vypper
Fairy Tale $10 llopis
Fallout $50 Ikehouserock
Fearsome Floors $20 Nishsama
Feudal $6 dandechino
Fief: France 1429 $85 Dolus
Fief: France 1429 – Buildings Pack $30 Dolus
Fire in the Lake $45 ColintheFlea
Firefly: Out to the Black sirbeefman
Firefly: The Game sirbeefman
First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet $50 mlb13
Five Tribes $45 witchOfTheEast
Flick 'em Up! $20 p4warrior
Flick 'em Up! Smwilkin
Florenza: The Card Game $13 llopis
Fluxx $4 Mariolls
Food Chain Magnate Ikehouserock
For Sale llopis
Forbidden Island $10 witchOfTheEast
Fortress America $20 jwulk
Fortune and Glory: The Cliffhanger Game sirbeefman
Fortune and Glory: The Cliffhanger Game $54 llopis
Fresco $35 llopis
Friday $8 jconway2002
Fury of Dracula (Second Edition) $20 Nishsama
Galaxy Trucker dandechino
Ghost Stories Coren
Ghost Stories $22 llopis
Ginkgopolis Ikehouserock
Glory of the Three Kingdoms: Guandu Core Set $28 imjodokast
Goldbräu $20 sproutgrrl
Golem Arcana $10 Dolus
Gravwell: Escape from the 9th Dimension sirbeefman
Greedy Greedy Goblins $10 p4warrior
Grog Island $15 chronocat
Guardians' Chronicles sirbeefman
Guesstures $5 jconway2002
Guillotine $9 llopis
Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone: Levitating Challenge Electronic Skill and Action Game $40 eliskipp
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle $20 p4warrior
Heir to the Pharaoh mlb13
High Frontier (Third Edition) $165 ColintheFlea
History of the World $20 p4warrior
Hive Pocket $18 ColintheFlea
Hold the Line $20 p4warrior
Holdfast: Pacific 1941-45 $60 p4warrior
HomeStretch $20 moramis
Hoplomachus: The Lost Cities ReddWolf
Illuminati $15 dandechino
In the Shadow of the Emperor $5 dandechino
Indigo $10 p4warrior
Infinite City sirbeefman
Inhabit the Earth $30 moramis
Invaders from Dimension X! $20 witchOfTheEast
Isla Dorada $30 p4warrior
Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King mlb13
It Happens.. $3 Mariolls
Jaipur $20 witchOfTheEast
Jamaica $35 BestCheckedIn
John Prados' Third Reich $25 jwulk
Julius Caesar: Caesar, Pompey, and the Roman Civil War Coren
Junior Labyrinth $5 Vypper
Justice League: Axis of Villains Strategy Game $15 waleslie
Kahuna $10 ColintheFlea
Kemet $45 waleslie
Kemet $35 moramis
Key Harvest $22 sproutgrrl
Keyflower mlb13
Keyflower stealmonkey
King of New York $20 Smwilkin
Kings & Things $10 etherton
Knights of Charlemagne $10 llopis
Knit Wit mlb13
Knit Wit $10 sproutgrrl
Krosmaster: Arena Gryffindor
Krosmaster: Arena $85 eliskipp
La Granja mlb13
La Isla Gryffindor
Lagoon: Land of Druids $10 Mariolls
Lancaster $35 Mariolls
Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game dandechino
Le Havre $35 ColintheFlea
Legend of the Five Rings $30 sproutgrrl
Legendary Encounters: A Firefly Deck Building Game sirbeefman
Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game RocaRifa
Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game – Playmat $40 sirbeefman
Legends of Andor $35 witchOfTheEast
Level 7 [Escape]: Lockdown $15 soknackered
Lewis & Clark: The Expedition stealmonkey
Libertalia $25 ColintheFlea
Linko! $10 Dolus
Lords of Vegas $20 Smwilkin
Lords of Waterdeep $20 Smwilkin
Lords of Xidit $15 Mariolls
Lost Legends $20 Mariolls
Lost Temple $10 chronocat
Love Letter $5 witchOfTheEast
Mad Zeppelin $10 mcaskey11925
Mage Knight Board Game $45 p4warrior
Mage Knight Board Game $20 Adrockski
Mage Wars Arena $150 Dolus
Magic: The Gathering – Arena of the Planeswalkers $10 dandechino
Mag·Blast (Third Edition) sproutgrrl
Mall of Horror $30 baditude
Mammut $7 waleslie
Marvel Dice Masters: Age of Ultron mynameisthis
Mechs vs. Minions Ikehouserock
Mechs vs. Minions $65 sirbeefman
Memoir '44 $50 witchOfTheEast
Merchant of Venus (Second Edition) $40 p4warrior
Merchants of the Middle Ages $0 mweimholt
Mercury/Market Garden $12 dandechino
Merlin $60 Vypper
Mice and Mystics $25 Nishsama
Middle-Earth Quest $50 Coren
Middle-Earth Quest HiveGod
Milestones $15 llopis
Miscellaneous Game Accessory foxstar74
Miscellaneous Game Merchandise sirbeefman
Mistfall mlb13
Monopoly: 1999 NFL Gridiron $20 fusionbob
Monsters Menace America $20 fusionbob
Mosby's Raiders: Guerilla Warfare in the Civil War $25 witchOfTheEast
Mr. Jack Pocket $20 witchOfTheEast
Munchkin $15 waleslie
My Village $20 baditude
Mystery Rummy: Murders in the Rue Morgue $15 witchOfTheEast
Mystery of the Abbey with The Pilgrims' Chronicles $45 Nishsama
Mythe $15 Smwilkin
Napoleon in Europe $60 jwulk
Navajo Wars $80 Matt_W
Neanderthal mlb13
Nevermore $10 sproutgrrl
Nightfall HeavenlyWrath
Nippon Rails $15 Dolus
No Retreat! The Russian Front Coren
Odin's Ravens $10 ColintheFlea
On the Underground $70 ColintheFlea
Operation $5 Vypper
Orcs Must Die! The Board Game: Order Edition $160 etherton
Order of the Gilded Compass mlb13
Orongo $10 p4warrior
Oshi $10 sproutgrrl
Outside the Scope of BGG $15 dandechino
Outside the Scope of BGG $20 Dolus
Outside the Scope of BGG sirbeefman
Outside the Scope of BGG $25 p4warrior
Outside the Scope of BGG Derak Morrell
Outside the Scope of BGG $150 Coren
Outside the Scope of BGG $15 Smwilkin
P.I. $15 Mariolls
PURGE: Sins of Science p4warrior
Pagoda $13 llopis
Pandemic $45 llopis
Pandemic $25 soknackered
Pandemic: The Cure $15 p4warrior
Parfum $15 witchOfTheEast
Pastiche $10 Vypper
Patchistory $30 p4warrior
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set $25 Mariolls
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set $65 eliskipp
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Skull & Shackles – Base Set $20 Black4lpha
Patrician $12 llopis
Peloponnes Gryffindor
Phobos Rising! $10 witchOfTheEast
Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach $30 imjodokast
Pirate's Cove $45 fusionbob
Pit $6 dandechino
Pixel Tactics Deluxe Gryffindor
Pocket Battles: Confederacy vs Union $8 dandechino
Portal: The Uncooperative Cake Acquisition Game $20 BestCheckedIn
Prosperity $13 llopis
Quarriors! $15 llopis
Quarriors! $45 llopis
Race for the Galaxy dandechino
Rattus $45 Manwithaplan
Red November $35 fusionbob
Reiner Knizia's Amazing Flea Circus $7 Vypper
Relic $50 Coren
Risk (Revised Edition) $12 dandechino
Risk 2210 A.D. $15 dandechino
Risk: Battlefield Rogue $10 dandechino
Risk: Captain America – Civil War Edition $5 p4warrior
Risk: Star Wars – Original Trilogy Edition sirbeefman
Risk: Star Wars – Original Trilogy Edition $28 dandechino
Risk: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Edition RocaRifa
Risk: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Edition $32 dandechino
Rivals for Catan: Deluxe $30 soknackered
River Dragons $15 Mariolls
Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island sirbeefman
Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island $55 llopis
Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age Gryffindor
Roll for the Galaxy dandechino
Saboteur Gryffindor
Safranito $20 Smwilkin
Saga Gryffindor
Saint Malo $10 llopis
San Juan $20 witchOfTheEast
San Juan (Second Edition) $25 soknackered
Say Anything Gryffindor
Schlock Mercenary: Capital Offensive adamdi5
Scotland Yard $5 Vypper
Scotland Yard $15 ColintheFlea
Scythe $75 gamershwang
Scythe ColintheFlea
Secrets of the Lost Tomb $65 witchOfTheEast
Sentinels of the Multiverse $20 leades
Sentinels of the Multiverse: Rook City & Infernal Relics $20 leades
Shadow Hunters $20 Nishsama
Shadowrun: Crossfire $30 llopis
Shadows of Malice p4warrior
Sid Meier's Civilization: The Boardgame $20 jwulk
Silent Victory: U.S. Submarines in the Pacific, 1941-45 $40 p4warrior
Simurgh $25 etherton
Slamwich $5 Vypper
Sleuth $10 dandechino
Small World: Realms Gryffindor
Smugglers $10 p4warrior
Sola Fide: The Reformation mlb13
Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem $10 p4warrior
Sorry! Sliders dandechino
Space Cadets: Away Missions $25 p4warrior
Space Cadets: Dice Duel $25 baditude
Space Sheep! $10 waleslie
Speculation $40 moramis
Spike Gryffindor
Splendor $20 ColintheFlea
Splendor $20 fusionbob
Spyrium sirbeefman
Spyrium $12 llopis
Star Fluxx $5 Vypper
Star Trek Panic $40 dandechino
Star Trek: Catan RocaRifa
Star Trek: Catan Tanori
Star Trek: Expeditions sirbeefman
Star Trek: Frontiers $40 p4warrior
Star Wars: The Card Game $20 llopis
Star Wars: The Card Game Ikehouserock
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game stealmonkey
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game $15 RocaRifa
Stone Age $45 mynameisthis
Stone Age $35 Coren
Stone Age $45 Black4lpha
Stratego: Lord of the Rings Trilogy Edition $10 Vypper
Stronghold $15 Coren
Stronghold $30 sproutgrrl
Summoner Wars: Cloaks – Second Summoner $5 mynameisthis
Summoner Wars: Guild Dwarves vs Cave Goblins dandechino
Summoner Wars: Master Set $45 Black4lpha
Sun Tzu sirbeefman
Survive: Escape from Atlantis! $35 Coren
Survive: Escape from Atlantis! $45 witchOfTheEast
Survive: Space Attack! $15 p4warrior
T.I.M.E Stories $40 Vypper
T.I.M.E Stories Ikehouserock
Tajemnicze Domostwo $25 llopis
Takenoko $20 Black4lpha
Tales & Games: Baba Yaga $10 witchOfTheEast
Talisman: Revised 4th Edition Coren
Tally Ho! $10 witchOfTheEast
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Dice Masters $15 mynameisthis
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past $45 p4warrior
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past $25 p4warrior
Telestrations Gryffindor
Terra Mystica mlb13
Terra Mystica stealmonkey
Terraforming Mars Tanori
The 7th Continent Ikehouserock
The 7th Continent $500 Zanzaboard
The BoardGameGeek Game $30 Dolus
The Cards of Cthulhu $10 p4warrior
The Cards of Cthulhu $15 ColintheFlea
The Castles of Burgundy Creth
The Duke Gryffindor
The Fog of War $25 p4warrior
The Golden City sproutgrrl
The Grizzled $15 waleslie
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey $25 llopis
The Isle of Doctor Necreaux $12 ColintheFlea
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game $12 mynameisthis
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game Matt_W
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – The Road Darkens $40 Adrockski
The Networks mlb13
The Princess Bride: Storming the Castle $10 fusionbob
The Pursuit of Happiness mlb13
The Red Dragon Inn Coren
The Resistance $10 witchOfTheEast
The Shadow Over Westminster $20 ColintheFlea
The Starfarers of Catan $50 sproutgrrl
The Voting Game $20 soknackered
The World of Smog: On Her Majesty's Service mlb13
Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization stealmonkey
Thunder Alley Coren
Thunder Alley Manwithaplan
Thunderstone Gryffindor
Tide of Iron $100 HiveGod
Tigris & Euphrates sirbeefman
Tikal mlb13
Tiny Epic Western $25 waleslie
Titan $30 p4warrior
Tito and his Partisan Army: Yugoslavia, 1941-45 $15 mcaskey11925
Tokaido $20 waleslie
Torres $20 p4warrior
Trains $12 p4warrior
Trains Gryffindor
Trajan $35 BestCheckedIn
Trivial Pursuit for Kids $5 Vypper
Troyes Manwithaplan
Twilight Struggle stealmonkey
Twilight Struggle Tanori
Ultimate Werewolf: Ultimate Edition $6 Coren
Union Pacific $55 ColintheFlea
Unlock!: Escape Adventures – Squeek & Sausage $9 Smwilkin
Unlock!: Escape Adventures – The Formula $10 witchOfTheEast
Upon a Salty Ocean $20 Dolus
Vast: The Crystal Caverns 25.00 baditude
Vast: The Crystal Caverns $20 p4warrior
Villa Paletti $10 Vypper
Vinhos Coren
War of the Ring $25 p4warrior
War! Age of Imperialism $35 jwulk
Warfighter: The WWII Tactical Combat Card Game $30 p4warrior
Warhammer: Invasion $12 Coren
Washington's War $22 Coren
Wasteland Express Delivery Service $50 baditude
What's He Building in There? $20 waleslie
Wiz-War (Eighth Edition) $15 Coren
World Monuments Gryffindor
World of Warcraft: The Boardgame Coren
World's Fair 1893 $15 BestCheckedIn
Yokohama $100 etherton
Zombicide $40 Mariolls
Zombicide $50 eliskipp
Zombicide Season 2: Prison Outbreak $40 Mariolls
Zombicide: Black Plague Ikehouserock
Zombie Dice $5 witchOfTheEast

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