Here are the slides for the 360iDev presentation I gave a few minutes ago. They’re in Keynote format. Thanks everybody for coming and all the questions at the end. It was lots of fun!
Session description: This session will cover the experiences of a professional game developer, used to 200+ person teams, multi-million dollar budgets, and 3+ year schedules, who left all that behind to become a one-person indie company developing exclusively for the iPhone. It will explain how things are different and how some things are very much the same, and will show specific examples of graphics technology, development environment, and asset pipeline. I will be using my current iPhone project, Flower Garden, as an example. The audience will learn what the transition is like and what to expect going indie making games for the iPhone.
Uploaded to SlideShare since I don’t have Keynote.
Let me know if that’s ok.
I was just about to suggest that too. Thanks for uploading, Joseph 🙂
Thanks for posting it up Joseph! 🙂