in Graphics, iOS

GDC 2010: The Best of Both Worlds: Using UIKit with OpenGL

borg-701632.jpgHere are the slides for my session at the GDC iPhone Summit, The Best of Both Worlds: Using UIKit With OpenGL.

It was a 30-minute slot, so the material is pretty condensed without the chance to expand on the topics. I’m giving an extended version of this talk at 360iDev in a few weeks, so I’ll be able to get into more details then and have a cool sample app that shows off all those concepts.

It was great seeing a bunch of you at my session and at around the iPhone and Indie Summits. It was a great couple of days!

  1. In the slides you talk about rendering text from a UITextView, but do you know of ways to render a UISegmentedControl in OpenGL? My problem is that I need to have OpenGL draw both behind AND in front of the UISegmentedControl, which can’t be done currently since they are in separate views.

  2. Mark, drawing both behind and in front of a UIKit view can be done but it’s going to be a perf hit for sure. I’ve never rendered a UISegmentedControl in OpenGL. You could try setting the CGContext, forcing a render, and uploading it to a texture, but I suspect you’re better off implementing that UI widget yourself in OpenGL.

  3. Hi Noel,

    I tried your sample code but it does not work 4 me..?

    the file give the var LineVertex: variable length array of non-POD element type ‘<anonymous'

    I am using iOS 5.1 …



    • something wrong with the posting website here today..? 🙁

      I am using iOS 5.1 …. maybe why above error?

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