in Announcements, iOS

Flower Garden Coverage and Interview on Spanish TV

A couple of weeks ago I gave a presentation about iPhone development at Gamelab, the main game development conference in Spain (yes, it was my first technical presentation in Spanish!). Afterwards I was interviewed by Zoom Net, a popular TV show about games and technology. Yesterday they aired the episode with my interview and I was pleasantly surprised to see they turned it into a full 4-minute section covering Flower Garden. Coverage starts at 8m 40s from the start (and, obviously, it’s in Spanish).


Notice the other iPhone games that flash at the start of the Flower Garden section: Harbor Master, Up There, and Little Red Sled, all App Treasures games! The video also starts with coverage of Fifa 10, so we’re in pretty good company 🙂

  1. For some reason that seems really weird to me to hear you speaking Spanish! It’s almost like it’s been dubbed or something.

    Great coverage though! Congrats.

  2. Wow, that’s a very fluent Spanish. Had no idea. Are your parents native speakers?
    Congratulations for the coverage!

  3. Congrats Noel, I’m glad to see you getting some good exposure, you deserve it! Keep up the great work!

  4. What’s weird to me is you speak much faster in Spanish than English, like you have a train to catch or something. J’y pipe rien du tout! 🙂
    Did you get to meet Cindi Gomez (7:02)? 😉

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